Friday, October 10, 2014

before the snow

Hi all,

My name is Mary Carey, I'm 17 years old, and I wouldn't be here if not for a bible project.

It's called a passion project. You choose something you're passionate about or would like to be passionate about, and learn more and become more capable with it. Last year I learnt how to speak Swahili in anticipation of my trip to Kenya, which, in my opinion, was a failure.

This year I'm going towards snowboarding. I've been snowboarding for 7 years, I've been kind of boring with my skills. I focused on learning how to carve, do a box rail, go off a jump, and then I stopped. I'd like to learn how to do tricks and rails and become one of the most talented on the hill. Maybe even get signed, but that is a long distance future goal. I live in Manitoba, so that's not all that great for snowboarding mountains. I do however have a floodway that they made a snowboarding resort on. It has two runs, one is plain, and the other is a Terrain Park.

We require a mentor and mine is my brother, he has participated in halfpipe competitions and has been snowboarding for 9 years.
